Friday, February 15, 2008

My Very Favorite Burning Man Photo

After the epic two hour dust storm, the sun came out along with a glorious triple rainbow!

Secret View, January 14th

A lovely view from the inside of the Oakland Tribune building.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Early Morning Golden Gate, January 13th

Okay, I admit it, every now and again I have to reach over and pull my camera out of my purse when I am driving.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Birthday Portrait, January 12th

Another Morning at Bikini Boot Camp, January 11th

Sunrise in My Window, January 10th

Another amazing sunrise in Tulum. Here, the sun and sea reflected in the window of the "treehouse".

Urban Tumbleweed

What kept catching my eye in New York was all of the abandoned broken umbrellas. (I thought about photographing every one, I didn't) and the wind-blown trash that gets stuck in the spiky wire at the top of fences. Here is an urban tumbleweed, a tangle of wire with plastic.

Yes, I have gotten behind on my blog. Today I renew my pledge though I am modifying it to post one photo a day, not necessarily shot that day. I would rather share favorite shots, and will post something from that day when possible. (more likely on the weekends and days off)